Inserting Mathematical Expressions to Blogger

MathJax website

CodeCogs website

How to Insert Mathematical Expressions to Blogger (in 8 steps)

  1. Go to Blogger website (, choose the blog that you want to insert a mathematical expression.
  2. Click on "Layout".
  3. Click on "Add a Gadget".
  4. Click on "Basics".
  5. Scroll down and click on "HTML/JavaScript".
  6. Paste the code "<script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>" into the "Content" field and click on "Save".
  7. Click on "Save arrangment".
  8. You can now insert mathematical expressions (using LaTeX code) to your blog (i.e. posts, pages and blogger comments).

How to Insert LaTeX Code (for Mathematical Expressions) to Blogger (in 7 steps)

CodeCogs Equation Editor

  1. Click on the link above.
    It will launch a pop-up window where you can create your mathematical expression using the options available and it will convert your mathematical expression into its LaTeX code.
  2. Click on "Copy to Document".
  3. Copy the LaTeX code from the box above (before step 1).
  4. Go to Blogger website (, choose the blog that you want to insert the mathematical expression (the blog should be running the MathJax script) and create a new post or post a (blogger) comment.
  5. Click on "HTML".
  6. Paste the LaTeX code copied on the canvas.
  7. You have now inserted your mathematical expression on your blog.

How to Display Mathematical Expressions (in LaTeX Code) on a Website


Drag & Drop the above "MathJax" image to your Bookmark Toolbar in your browser.

Click on it (i.e. the "MathJax" Bookmarklet) when you are on a website with Mathematical Expressions in LaTeX code.